Tuesday, May 22, 2007


好烦哦!今天assignment拿回来了…… 成绩不怎么满意……做了那么久,还因为它烦的现在睡觉时间调理不回来…… 真是可怜…… 因为它也流了不少泪…… T.T" 唉…… 烦死了!我不要fail这一科啊!看到那个臭lecturer就讨厌了!我也不能fail啊!会被我爸妈斩死的!唉!做人烦……做学生也烦……做社会人士更烦!=.="


我的面试呢……算蛮成功的……老板要我等他的电话……后来晚上他打电话来的……说他们打算采用另一个人……可能是因为我要求的时间有点过分吧~哈哈~因为考完试以后还要跟健彬和周恩德去Melbourne和Adelaide…… 所以我大概只有1/7才能继续上班……要那蛮长的假期……哈哈~还没跟他说我要回KK呢~要不然他肯定疯掉吧~哈哈~不过他offer我另一个更高难度的工作……他说那天interview觉得我的communication skill不错……想叫我做接电话的……然后有可能会跟client起冲突……哈哈哈~笑话~还要我跟client起冲突?我不是罗运新……没有他那么厉害~哈哈~不过我也没有直接拒绝她……只说我可能没有办法communicate well if there is a conflict with the client……不过如果他让我尝试我是非常愿意的……哈哈~回答得不错吧~他说会把我的resume留着……会尽快给我答复…… 所以这份工也不抱什么大希望啦~

然后呢……第二天又接到电话了……是另一家公司打来的…… Ok.. I give up on writing chinese.. The call was from another company SAP.. Suddenly then I remembered about this company.. It was the company I was thinking about all along when I took the loop to uni last time.. Why? Cause it reminded me of Sharon and Manda.. Hehe~ Sharon, Amanda, Phaedra -- SAP.. =.=" Hehe~ They asked me to go for an interview on Friday..

Well.. Suddenly I think maybe I shouldn't start looking for jobs now.. Haha~ Just now when I am in tutorial I guess some other company called as well.. As it was from an unknown number.. ^^" Somehow, somewhere in my heart I wished that I couldn't get those jobs.. Cause will cause some trouble as well.. Since I would be going to Melbourne and Adelaide after my exams.. Have to take leave for exams again... After Adelaide have to go back to KK again.... @@" Mom insists... And my dear friends miss me even though they don't wanna come and visit me? ^^" So will go back KK laaa~

Just got a dame bad news... My presentation I did with my group mate few weeks ago? The result is out.. Da**it... Git si o0o~ My tutor got problem one... >.<" She said our content for the presentation was great... But we look at our notes too much.. And because of that.. We just got 5.8/10! GOD! !@#^%$&#^&@@ Chi sin one o0o!!! We didn't stick our eyes on the notes only pun! Got look at the audience de looo! My group mate even used the slides to present!!! What the..... Get so low marks! Han si my tutorial assessment she gave me so low marks liao even though I passes up every time!!! Nget sai o0o0o! Must do bad appraisal on her!


Anonymous said...

hei there!
cheer up ya!
i'm sure you'll do fine in your exams! gambate ya!
my first day of work was the same as well... haha! she won't fire you... don't worry... it's training! remember? haha!
you'll get the hang of it...
gambate ya!

ahbing said...

I basically don't understand the first few paragraph due to lousy chinese. But it's okay ,I get what you mean, because I am your dear.

Fully utilise your holiday laa.. don' t work la. Company me play first la. Next semester won't have to much time hang around together de loh caus I found a job also.. full time slacker.

The results of your presentation not satisfying? You think you don't deserve the low marks? Easy, find student services, let's see what they can do.

Love you always

Anonymous said...

"还要我跟client起冲突?我不是罗运新……没有他那么厉害~" ---- EH... kenapa saya will be berkonflik sama client ler??

Oh yeah... wei... i dunno how ur course works lar, but for me, if i got 5.8/10, i'm damn happy for LAW lor... Anyway... keep it up lar... nothing is easy even though u put lotsa efforts in it...