Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Things change

The sky isn't always blue,
Grey when its gonna rain,
Orange, pink or purple during dusk and dawn...
Not every friendship could last forever,
Some could be affected by other friendship,
By the distance or time,
By work or life that is moving on everyday,
By misunderstandings,
Once upon ago you might be bestest friends,
Shared everything in life with them,
But this friendship may not last like how you thought it would...
Misunderstandings may ruin a friendship,
But it might also strengthen a friendship...
A hand couldn't clap by itself...
Initiation is needed in order to maintain...
The word "each other" is important in a friendship...
All these reminded me of the graduation autographs we wrote when we were in primary school...
Friends forever, forget me not, 友谊万岁, etc. were our favourite words...
But how many friendship that had really maintained since then?
Always bear in mind....
Not everything could last forever...
However I didn't mean to not treasure friendship...
Treasure those who treasure you...
Be thankful to God for what you have now...
Be thankful to God that I have more than 5 true friends...
Yes... These true friends are friends I believe that would be able to maintain forever...
Time, distance, life won't make our friendship shatter..
However we will treasure our growing up together..
I believe in God and believe in fate...
We are meant to be together we will be together forever my dear friends.....

1 comment:

Amanda said...

*Huggssss* Something happened I suppose? Hope ur alright dear...